1 Drink More Water.
If water were a food, it would be a
superfood. It helps digestion, promotes clear skin, acts as an appetite suppressant, and even
prevents heart disease, among many other benefits. Some research has even shown that drinking water can
speed up metabolism and help you lose weight. Although the whole drink-eight-glasses-a-day advice is now thought to be a myth, it doesn’t
and it’s better than drinking energy drinks or flavored waters that may
contain lots of sweeteners. Stick to filtered tap, and cut it with
naturally sweetened fruit juice if you get bored, or try low-calorie,
unsweetened elixirs like this
Green Herb Infusion. At work, keep a large pitcher of water at your desk, so you don’t have to keep getting up to refill your glass.
2 Create a Salad Bar in Your Fridge.
Buy some produce on a Sunday and spend a half hour washing, chopping,
and storing it in containers in your fridge (Mason jars look cool). Make
salad dressing
for the whole week. Then, before work, all you have to do is add greens
and assemble for lunch. It’s OK to dress the salad in the morning if you
refrigerate it when you get to work.
3 Remember, Color Equals Nutrition.
It’s a good rule of thumb that the more colorful the food, the more
healthy it is. For instance, squash, carrots, spinach, and kiwi are
packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. White and beige foods
like cheese, french fries, white rice, white flour, and white sugar
should be eaten in moderation, because they’re either high in saturated
or trans fats, or overly processed and lacking in nutritional value.
Similarly, when you eat vegetables, leave the skins on if they’re more
colorful than the interior (for example, zucchini and cucumber), because
that’s where a lot of the vitamins are.
4 Keep a Food Journal.
serves as a powerful reality check for what you’re truly eating, not
what you’d like to think you’re eating. In addition to detailing your
diet, you can also write down what is going on in your life in case you
fall off the healthy wagon. External stresses often cause us to seek
comfort in food: “Divorce paperwork filed: Caramel latte and devil’s
food cupcake, 4 p.m.” It’s easier to change behaviors if you first know
what causes them.
5 Investigate Funky Grains.
aside highly refined white pasta and white rice for a while in favor of
nutritious brown rice, barley, kamut, spelt, millet, quinoa, farro, and
buckwheat (which isn’t technically a grain, but don’t worry about
that). You can cook and eat them just the way you would rice or pasta,
or top them with fresh fruit as an oatmeal substitute. Cook a big pot
over the weekend, keep it in the fridge, and throw a handful into your
salad each day. Or try one of these CHOW recipes for
Quinoa Salad or
Farro Risotto with Asparagus and Fava Beans.
6 Ask, “Would I Eat an Apple?”
it’s hard to tell when you’ve crossed the line from nourishing yourself
to overeating. That’s because it takes up to 15 minutes for your brain
to receive signals from your digestive system that you’re full. Eating
slowly can help (some people recommend using chopsticks), because that
gives your brain time to catch up. Also, if you’re unsure, try asking
yourself, “Would I eat an apple right now if one was offered to me?” If
the answer is no, you’re eating just to eat, not because you’re still
7 When in Doubt, Sauté with Garlic.
You always hear about how you’re supposed to eat lots of vegetables,
seasonal if possible. But often they sit around in your fridge and go
bad because you don’t know what to do with them. In a pinch, just chop
them up and sauté them with olive oil, garlic, and salt. This works for
everything from bok choy to kale to Jerusalem artichokes. If it’s
something hard, like broccoli stalks or butternut squash, simply cut the
vegetable up really small.
8 Eat Breakfast in Bed.
of us put meals at the bottom of our priority list, leaving us scarfing
down a meal of frozen lasagne while multitasking on the computer, at
best. Instead, try treating one of your daily meals, or a few meals a
week, as a ritual whose purpose is to nourish both your body and your
spirit. Think ahead a little, and schedule your day so you have the time
to prepare and enjoy the ingredients you bought
ahead of time.
Appreciate the aromas as you prepare the food, as well as the beauty of
fresh ingredients versus a frost-covered block that comes out of
9 Bag Half to Go.
eating out, bag half your meal to go before you even start. Most
restaurant portions are too big, so either ask the server to split your
order and put half in a to-go box at the beginning, or request a box and
do it yourself. Then you won’t be tempted to dig into the second half
while it’s sitting in front of you. And you’ll have leftovers for lunch
the next day.
10 If It Has a Label, Don’t Eat It.
less time reading the fine print for calories and grams of fat by
eating stuff that has no label. Whole fruits, vegetables, and bulk
grains don’t have labels. Foods that haven’t been chopped up, chemically
altered, and screwed around with in factories have no labels. Even that
healthy energy bar you’re buying that costs $3 and the label says is
made of dates and nuts—how about just buying some dates and nuts and
saving yourself $2?